Merlin title

It all started in 1978, with the original Merlin.

{Merlin picture here} {Dr. smith picture here}

From the FAQ: Merlin (1978, Parker Brothers) #3200; 6AA; led; 2PA; D ; EC

Short on looks, but long on play, this LED unit contained 6 games: Merlin box pic

The game has four pressure sensitive buttons on the bottom to control the action, an on/off switch on the side of the unit and the speaker at the very top.

{Master Merlin Logo here}

In 1981 they one-upped themselves with Master Merlin.

Master Merlin Picture

From the FAQ: Master Merlin (1981, Parker Bros.) #??; 6AA; led; 2PA; D ; CO

Instead of 6 games, like the previous one, this one has 9 and most are selectable as to the difficulty. They are:

If anyone knows how to play these games, please let me know!

The LED unit is much wider than the previous one has ten number buttons and a 0 button (number 10 and 0 are primarily used for 2 player games) and the same configuration of buttons at the bottom as the previous game. In addition, the unit has a speaker at the top, an on/off button on the right side and the AC jack on the left.

Merlin's 10th Quest

In 1996, Merlin made yet another comback with Merlin the 10th Quest!

From the FAQ: Merlin The 10th Quest (1996, Parker Brothers) #43200; lcd; 1P; D ; CS

This game, by far, is the best in the series. The games are fun and addictive, and their are more games of greater variance than in the previous units. Each game is sufficiently different, and each one rightfully could be it's own handheld. The games are:

Merlin's 10th Quest pic

Merlin's 10th Quest box pic

Unlike the previous models, the speaker is at the bottom of the unit, the controls are in the middle, and the LCD screen is at the top.

The sounds in this game really caught me off guard. They're GREAT! The voice that the unit puts out is second to none, and the music isn't too shabby either! The unit also allows you to turn the volume down, which is a feature that I wish all games would incorporate!